Monday, January 31, 2011


                       Dr. V. Rajeswari ,
                      M.Sc.[Psy],M.A.[WS], M.A.,[His ]M.A., [Pol.Sc}
                      M.Ed.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
                      Professor & Head
                      Department of Education
                      Mother Teresa Women's University
                      Kodaikanal - 624 101 
                      Tamil Nadu,
                      Contact Details:
                      Phone No : 91-4542-240772             
                      Email-Id    :


PHYSICS Physics is the systematic study of the way objects, matter and energy moves,changes and interacts.It is really concerned with how fasts things move, When they move and what causes things to move, those things can be the very large like stars or galaxies or the very small groups of objects or single objects it is also about what make up the fundamental building blocksof the reality we live in.


Studying the way things moves and interact the world is fundamentally usefull in all sorts of way. In some cases it is crucial to our survival. Interestingly our own brain have needed to develop an automatic understanding of physics for example being able to walk or balance requires our brain to make lots of calculation about friction and forces physics is crucial to virtually all of our modern technology, conveniences and infrastructure.From computers to cameras and everyday appliances

        When we look at things in the solar system, we try to measure what we see. This allows us to compare the many objects and to know how and where will they ,will move, what they consists....etc., In this first chapter may answers the simple questions about the solar system. Our solar system is belived to be about five billions years old and formed at same time as the sun. Our solar system consist of an average star we call the sun, the planets Mercury,Venus,Earth, Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune, satellites to the planets,comets, asteroids andmeteroids. The sun is richest source of electromagnetic energy.The first chapter gives basic information about the all planets this will enchance once knowledge whom unknown face to the solar system. 

       The total energy of solar system is mainly contributed by the sun. Energy is most important part for living things,Without energy no one can be in earth. Now a days there is a demand in energy due to rises of consumption and population so we need a perfect alternative way of energy creation.Today world's energy requirement may fullfill by nuclear energy we know one kind of energy can convert into another kind, by this sentences nuclear energy can convert into electrical, heat etc. Nuclear energy gives basic information about What is nuclear energy? How we can produce nuclear energy? Generally nuclear energy is obtained during the process of nuclear fission and fusion.This chapter also gives some basic introduction to nuclear reactor and atomic bomb.There are some causes in obtainig energy from this process but we have not alternative way to escape from this one. Also one can understand how energy in the sun is formed by this chapter simply this chapter creates a way for unknown phaces to nuclear energy. 

        The nuclear energy provides 16% of world's electricity is the essential need of this decade people. Electricty chapter gives some details about what is background of elecricity.In BC (Before Christian year) Peoples woundered about attractive behaviour of materials .but they did not know how it happens"? This chapter gives pre history of magnetism and name factor of magnetism .Electricty and magnetism have a thick relationship between them. We can generate magnetic field arround a coil, while current electricity is passing through it.This is a simple electromagnet. This chapter can teach simple thing about electrmagnets and its applications to younger brains.

       Electricity can obtain by electromagnetic force. Force can more objects (Newton's first law) and obtain energy when objects are moving under this one. It deals about force per unit area (Pressure) exerted by a fluid at rest, which branch of physics is hydrostatics. This chapter says how pressure vary with depth? and different type of pressures.This chapter explains the man of Euraeka's Principle and its application we can assure the image of object by observing reflected electromagnetic wave(Visible light) from that.We can converge or diverge the image by using lenses. The lense chapter gives fundamental fact and classification of lenses this one give details about how to rectify the eye defects by lenses? Every livining things eye made of lense it will pass the image sense to brain it is similarly to what camera is done why capturing an image. This chapter gives source basic differents between eye and camera consequently all these five chapters can give a basic view of physics.These chapters will enchance thoughts of ones who enter to the next stage of physics

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Atom Bomb

        The working principle of atom bomb is nuclear fission. Here an uncontrolled fission reaction takes place. When the bomb explodes large quantity of energy in the form of heat, light and radiation is released, a temperature of millions of degrees and pressure of millions of atmosphere are produced. Human life is impossible under such explosion. These bombs were used in World War II and were exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

        The splitting of atomic nuclei release enourmous energy. When a single free neutron strikes the nucleus of an atom of fissile material like U^235 and Pu^239, It usually knocks two or three more neutrons free energy is released when those neutrons split off from the nucleus,and newly released neutrons strilce other U^235(or Pu^239) Nuclei, splitting them in a same way,releasing more energy and more neutrons.This process is occur in the atomic bomb.

Nuclear Reactor

          In nuclear fission, a very large amount of nuclear energy is liberated within an extremely small interval of time. Consequently, it is not possible to convert the nuclear energy for any useful purpose. So, a device becomes necessary to control the reaction in nuclear fission. Such a device is called nuclear reactor.

         The nuclear energy from nuclear fission has many uses. A nuclear power plant produces electric power from the nuclear energy of nuclear of nuclear fission.

         A Nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear chain reactions are initiated, controlled and sustained at a steady rate.

       A Nuclear reactor is used to convert nuclear energy into heat and electrical energy.

The Production Of Nuclear Energy


      A nucleus makes up most of the mass of every atom. This nucleus is held together by an extremely powerful force called nuclear force. Because of this force, a large amount of energy is concentrated in the nucleus. 

       Any process in which a particle penetrates a nucleus and changes it to produce nuclear energy is called nuclear reaction. In nuclear reaction, nuclear energy is produced by two processes namely nuclear fission and fusion. 

Nuclear Fission

The process of breaking up of the nucleus of a heavy atom into two or more smaller nuclei with the release of a large amount of energy is known as nuclear fission.

           ( or )

Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which nucleus of a heavy atom splits into smaller atoms(parts)with lot amount of energy.

The energy produced is known as nuclear energy, because of the original mass of the sum of the masses of the products produced after nuclear fission. The difference between these masses before and after the nuclear fission is converted into nuclear energy.  

Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two or more light nuclei combine to form a heavy nucleus. The difference in mass is converted into energy. The energy liberated is called thermo-nuclear energy. For example, the energy production in the sun and stars is due to the nuclear fusion. In sun, four hydrogen nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus at very high pressure and temperature. Also, hydrogen bomb works by the principle of nucleus fusion. It is more powerful than an atom bomb.

Nuclear fusion produces s more energy than nuclear fission, but nuclear fusion requires certain energy surrounding to happen.


      Nuclear energy results from the changes occurring in the nucleus of atoms. Scientists and Engineers have found many uses for the nuclear energy, especially in producing electricity.
       Nuclear energy provides 16% of world's electricity.Nuclear energy is produced naturally(sun and star's energy)and may made operations under human controll(Nuclear reactors).

Electric Bell


           The electric bell consists of an electromagnet. In front of the electromagnetic poles, there is a soft iron piece. The soft iron piece is attached to the vibrator. Vibrator is a rigid metallic strip having a hammer at its free end. The gong is fixed against the hammer. Also, platinum strip is fixed to the vibrator. By adjusting screw in contact-maker, contact is made with a platinum strip at a point. This point is called contact point. 


               When key is pressed, the electric circuit is completed and the current flows through the electromagnet The electromagnet becomes magnetized and attracts the soft iron piece. When the soft iron piece is attracted, the hammer strikes the gong. The gong produces the sound. This movements breaks the circuit at the contact point between the screw and platinum strip, so that the current stops flowing. The electromagnet gets demagnetized and thereby the soft iron piece is released. The soft iron piece falls back to the original position and makes contact with the screw. The electric circuit is completed again. The above process keeps on repeating. Therefore the soft iron piece keeps on vibrating and giving rise to the continuous ringing of the bell. Electric bells are used as door bells and buzzers.